Saturday, January 31, 2009

Falske Rygter om dine Facebook Venner

Den anden dag fik jeg en af disse kæde breve fra en bekendt med besked om at hvis de ikke var aktive på Facebook så ville de blive slettet! Fordi jeg hader denne slags mails besluttede jeg mig til at skrive til Mark Zuckerberg selv for at se om det nu også var rigtigt. Faktisk så havde jeg ikke forventet at han personligt ville skrive tilbage til mig om dette, men det gjorde han...og endda også samme dag! Her er hvad han skrev til mig oversat:

Tak fordi du tog tiden og skrev ind. Beskeden du fik var falsk. Venligst besøg vores Facebook Security Page for mere information om dette rygte.

Tak, Mark

Så skulle du få en besked om at dine venner bliver slettet hvis de ikke er aktive brugere på Facebook...NU er du informeret og bedes venligst ikke sende den videre, men informere din gode ven som sendte den til dig om at den nu alså ikke er sandt!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Up the street from my new place is the coolest little local movie theater. I went there today and watched, "Slumdog Millionaire". The cinematography is excellent and so is the acting. 

Set in India, with "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" as part of the plot, the film takes us on a tour de force back to Jamal's childhood and forward in time. This film tells the story of his life in the slums, how he and his brother survived, and it is also a love story for a girl named Latika. The film was the Winner of the People's Choice Award at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival. It does not disappoint! I give it 5 stars!


It's a new year! We left 08 and started 09. No one knows where this year will take any us, but hopefully it can only get better from here! Some of us made big changes in 08 and some were forced to make big changes due to the economic turmoil. I truly feel for all the people who have lost their jobs! Those have not been pleasant changes!

Personally, I am 'absorbing' my new place and adjusting to it all. Some people hold onto what doesn't work or stay in something because they're too afraid to make 'move'. I am not one of those people. 

Life is all about change and how we adjust to it. We can either take it on with a positive attitude or we can wallow around in self pity and handle it with a negative attitude. We always have a choice! What is your choice going to be?

Here's to you and to a New Year with lots of positive changes! Cheers!